Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daddy's Got This

Whew! What a night!! Today, baby K is a bit under the weather with a stuffy nose and a slight fever. I called on a couple of very experienced mommy friends of mine to keep the first time mommy anxieties under control! Thanks to my two good friends, I was able to keep some clarity to take care of my sweet baby girl. Edward did a market run this evening for Pedialyte freezer pops and saline nasal spray. He also got a medicine dropper which I am convince is the greatest invention ever! So, got some medicine in our girl which seem to take care of her fever. I fed her dinner and she ate well. I put her down at eight but only slept for an hour because her stuffed up nose made her very uncomfortable. I cleaned her cute little nose, rocked her to sleep again and she stayed asleep again for another hour. Then the pattern continued two more times. The last time she got up, we gave her another dose of medicine. Little did we know, she would become extremely hyper from it. So, she is feeling better but wants to be up and playing. She is asking for her iPad and YouTube videos. I gave her to her techie father and I will rest that he's got this. It's not about routines tonight. It's about self-preservation for mommy and at the same time, Daddy can win some brownie points from baby K! I'm bushed and going to catch some zzzzzz while Daddy does his thing. I'm hoping he will get her to sleep sometime in the next hour, we'll see. Currently, they are singing the alphabet song...oy!


  1. Tag-teaming. Good stuff. So sorry to hear your little sweetheart is feeling sick so soon. Hope she's feeling much better very quickly so that you all can get some rest. Sending some healing vibes for you!

  2. There is so much to figure out when you're a first time parent. That's the part that makes me most nervous. It sounds like you guys have it all well under control. Good for you!!! I'm glad to hear that Kitin is starting to feel better.
